A Day in the Life of Natural Flavour Manufacturing

Understanding Natural Flavours.

In September 2023, leading food and drink publisher, Food Manufacture, came to visit I.T.S. HQ for a quick tour of what life is like in the world of flavour making. 

A day in the life of I.T.S and natural flavour manufacturing.

We love it when friends come to visit at I.T.S. – that is why our door is always open to customers and suppliers to pop by and say hello whenever they are in town. Our good friends from Food Manufacture (Bethan Grylls, Editor, and William Dodds Deputy Editor) approached us to ask if they could come and shoot a short video highlighting what goes on in the day of a natural flavour manufacturer.  Never one to pass up an opportunity, we obliged and welcomed the team on-site. 

Natural flavours don’t have to be so secretive

Why is it that most natural flavour companies are so secretive about their work? We love sharing how we do things and are happy to shout it from the rooftops. 

That’s why we gave a special tour to Food Manufacture to show them all about what we do. We gave a complete tour of our facilities- test bakery, flavour library, flavour production facility, and beverage development suite – even our very own bar! 

Step inside I.T.S. flavours

Click here to watch the video and find out more about what Food Manufacture had to say about their day exploring I.T.S. 

Bakery Flavours of The Future

Bakery flavour trends to keep an eye on in 2024.

The baking industry has never been more progressive and forward-thinking. Artisan and craft bakeries are inspiring change and driving new trends. 

The mixture of social media and customer demand for exciting new flavours has kept the baking industry on its toes. Read our Bakery Flavour Trends report to get the lowdown. 

We’ve analysed product launch data to highlight the fastest-growing flavours across all categories in bakery. 

Fastest growing bakery flavours across the UK and USA.

We’ve looked at data across key markets that influence trends like the USA and UK. We’ve studied data across all sectors like baked snacking, cakes, muffins, doughnuts, pastries – you name it, we looked. 

Milk chocolate will always be the most popular flavour in the baking industry.

An obvious choice for top spot for bakery flavours in 2022 and one we don’t think will be toppled anytime soon. Milk chocolate is pretty much the first flavour on any bakeries product list.

Now the challenge is how to do you keep it interesting?

Pear, the traditional flavour is beginning to come back into fashion.

A classic flavour that is making waves in grown-up and premium baked products. From up-market pastries, to fancy biscuits – pear launches are really stepping up the game.

Pear is also a great flavour to pair with other tasty flavours.

Do you want to know more about flavours are trending in bakery? Make sure you check out our Bakery Flavour Trends report. 


Braver Beverage Flavour Trends for 2024

Beverage flavours to get your taste buds bubbling with excitement.

Are you on the look out for the next big flavour in the beverage sector? Or maybe you just want to discover the most popular flavours in drinks?

The I.T.S. team have crunched the numbers and put together a flavour trend snapshot for the beverage sector. We’ve been tracking product launches from every corner of the beverage category – even products from across the pond in the USA. 

Why are beverage flavour trends so important?

It’s not hard to figure out why keeping tabs on the beverage flavour launches is so important. If there is one sector that constantly pushes things forward it would be beverage. Whatever area of food and drink you might be interested in – you need to keep an eye on what the latest smoothie or energy drinks flavours are. 

You’ve been living under a rock if you haven’t seen weird and wonderful drink brand flavours taking over the bakery and dairy category. 

Orange is the most popular flavour in beverages.

Our data tracking product launches showed that orange was the most popular flavour across all areas of beverage. Driven by the high consumer confidence, health connotations and new exciting variations e.g. blood orange. 

If you’re looking for a flavour for a new beverage range, or evaluating your core range of products, you simply cannot lose with orange. 

Prickly pear is the fastest-growing flavour in new drink product launches.

Here is one for those of you looking for a braver flavour. Prickly pear shows huge growth across the beverage category over the last 5 years. It doesn’t sound like much, but it sure does pack a punch of flavour. 

Do you want to learn more about prickly pear flavour? Or maybe you want to know just exactly how popular orange is? Click here to read our full flavour trend snapshot of the beverage category.

The flavour trend report gives you heaps more flavours that you need to be on the lookout for – make sure you don’t miss out. 


Hottest Flavour Trends in Dairy & Dairy Alternatives 2023

Moo-ve over boring flavours in dairy and dairy alternatives.

It’s time for boring flavours in the dairy and dairy category to moo-ve over. We have put in the hard work of looking at the category to outline the biggest and fastest growing flavours emerging.

Our new report outlines the flavours you need to be working with in a whole range of dairy categories. Ice cream flavours, yoghurt flavours and of course flavoured milk – we’ve looked at it all.

Your one stop shop for all your flavour trend needs in the dairy and dairy alternative category. There has never been a more exciting time for the category as the growing dairy alternative space is pushing innovation with new and exciting flavours. 

Click here to download the report and get started with braver flavours.

UHT Proof Natural Flavours for Dairy and Dairy Alternatives

Natural Flavours Ready for UHT Production

UHT-Proof Natural Flavours for Dairy and Dairy Alternatives

Struggling to get flavour to deliver after UHT processing? Flavouring UHT milk can be tricky. UHT treatment by definition presents barriers for flavour delivery. The ultra-heat treatment involved in the process can dramatically impact on flavour characteristics and profiles. That’s why it is important to run trials and test flavour ingredients to make sure your flavour is really delivering.

In-House UHT Pilot Plant

Tired of running flavoured milk through UHT processing only to find the flavour has changed, or completely disappeared? Sick of the wastage and wasting time? Well, we are here to help. If we were seriously going to make a range of flavours that were made specifically for UHT process, we were going to need to do some testing.

To make sure our testing was spot on, we only went and installed our very own UHT pilot plant. Yes, that’s right, a flavour house has its own UHT pilot plant on-site. But we aren’t just any old flavour house, remember.

With our new state of the art UHT equipment, we were able to run trials with various dairy and dairy alternatives products. This made sure we could check the flavour delivery really came through and that all flavours are fully UHT proofed. Our Flavourists worked closely with our team on the UHT facility to make sure everything was still tasting just as delicious after the UHT treatment.

Our Flavourists could then adapt and make subtle changes to flavour profiles to ensure they could withstand the intense heat of the milk processing.

Natural Flavour Range Tried and Tested for UHT

We’ve now got a tasty little range of unique natural flavours that are ready for your UHT production. We’ve tested and worked these flavours on both dairy and various dairy alternatives milk. So, whatever your preference, we have the flavour.

Take a look at some of our favourites below and request a sample to give it a go.

Banana Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Strawberry Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Toffee Fudge Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Caramel Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Vanilla Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Milk Chocolate Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Dark Chocolate Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Ginger Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Raspberry Ripple Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Black Cherry Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Banoffee Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Coffee Crème Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Gingerbread Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Cookies & Cream Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Honeycomb Natural Flavour (UHT Proof)Request a sample

Easter Trends 2023

The biggest trends and flavours this Easter.

Make sure you are hip to what is happening in the food and drink sector this Easter. Discover the emerging and classic flavour trends that will be turning heads.

White chocolate flavour takes Easter by storm.

White is officially the new brown this Easter.

White chocolate is very much in vogue at the moment. Take a browse down any supermarket Easter aisle and you’ll see a whole host of white chocolate delights.

Everyone is getting in on the party – Cadbury, Lindt, and KitKat have all been heavily pushing the sweet white stuff.

Maltesers have really been smashing it – “68% of shoppers only buying white bunnies, according to Kantar data for the 16 weeks ending 17 April 2022” says a Mars spokesperson.

Make sure you request a sample of our natural white chocolate flavour.

Easter is for sweet snacking.

The on-the-go and snacking format has been growing in recent years for Easter.

We have seen a growing number of brands develop NPD that comes in new smaller formats. This could be anything from mini selection boxes, mini filled eggs or weird and wonderful chocolate characters.

Easter is most certainly not just for a traditional hollow egg in 2023.

Indulgence takes the spotlight.

Sometimes, bigger is always better. When it comes to Easter, this very much the case.

Health has taken a back seat this year, with the focus clearly being on sweet and sugary flavours. We have also noticed a rise in giant sized eggs, offering all sorts of sweet goodies included.

But, there is a sticking point. We’ve noticed some chocolate eggs drastically reducing in size…we see you.

Get a creme-egg or go home.

This one is our favourite – we can’t get enough of all the delicious new creme eggs available. It seems pretty much every chocolate brand now has their own version of the Cadbury Creme Egg.

Keep em’ coming guys!

Fruit Puree Natural Flavours

Say hello to natural tasting fruit flavours: fruit puree natural flavours.

Do you find that some fruit flavours are far too similar to sweets and confectionery, they just don’t have that natural fruit taste? We have the solution for you. Our puree natural flavours deliver an intense flavour profile with that real natural fruit flavour.

If you’re looking for that extra special flavour, or maybe looking to save costs by reducing the use of real fruit puree, you can’t go wrong with the I.T.S. natural puree flavours.

Save on costs with natural puree flavours.

If you work with fruit purees, you will have noticed the skyrocketing prices recently. Naming no names, but the cost of raspberry puree is becoming a little out of hand. Natural puree flavours offer a more cost-effective and cost-stable approach to getting that natural tasting flavour into food and drink.

Not only do they help save on costs, natural flavours can also be much more straightforward to work with. Add a few drops of flavour and away you go – no issues with cloudiness or having to worry about the stability of the product, all of which can happen with fruit purees. Your production team can thank us later.

It’s all about great tasting flavours.

Our Flavourists at I.T.S. have been busy developing a mouth-watering range of impactful fruit puree flavours that really deliver. Our puree flavour range offers a much more intense and sweet flavour, as if you have just crushed the real fruit itself – whilst also offering complicated ‘cooked’ notes to the tasting profile.

These powerful little flavours work perfectly on their own to deliver an impactful flavour, but can also work alongside actual fruit puree nicely – just so you can cut down the amount used and reduce the overall cost in use.

How to use natural fruit puree flavours.

The I.T.S. natural fruit puree range is open to all – we’ve seen great results used in beverages, dairy products and baked treats. So, whether you’re a keen brewer looking for your next fruity beer, or work in the dairy industry in need of the next big ice cream or yoghurt flavour – we might just have just the trick.

Oh, and not just dairy – did we mention these flavours are completely plant-based and allergen-free?

We’ve also been having a lot of fun in our Test Bakery pumping doughnuts full of jam packed with our puree flavours – delicious!

Don’t just take our word for it.

Get in touch to request a sample from our natural flavour puree range to give it a try yourself.

Strawberry Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Raspberry Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Passionfruit Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Peach Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Apricot Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Banana Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Blackberry Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Mango Puree Natural Flavour – Request a sample

Need more information? Drop us a line to speak to a member of our team and find out more.

Food and Drink Trends 2023

The biggest trends to influence food and drink in 2023

We’ve already given you the latest flavours that will be trending in 2023, now it’s time to look at the bigger picture. We’ve looked at the food and drink industry as a whole and highlighted 6 key trends that will be influencing the market this year.

Frugal Indulgence

As the cost of living crisis causes consumers to feel the pinch, we are seeing people still splash on indulgence, but focusing on value for money.
Don’t let that scare you off from daring to be different though.

Innova Market Research reports that 3 in 5 global consumers with a worsened financial situation also say that they are likely to make a one-time impulse purchase “when the food or beverage product is innovative in flavours/tastes”.

Sustainably Sourced

Sustainability is not lowering on consumers’ agendas, as it is a key factor when purchasing. However, one eye will need to stay on keeping costs down.

A whopping 89% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that implements environmentally-friendly practices.

Plant-Based or Bust?

The cracks are starting to show in the plant-based meat replacement market due to poor taste and high prices. Bakery and dairy will need to ensure they don’t fall into the same trap.

The top reason consumers avoid plant-based products is the fear of poor taste or texture. Something the industry will need to overcome if they want to sustain growth past its initial infancy and intrigue stage.

Valued Personality

Quality products aren’t the only places consumers are seeking value. Consumers today want to buy from brands that also align with them personally.

Don’t be bland, don’t blend in and don’t stay silent. Make sure you stand for something. 62% of Consumers want companies to take a stance on social, cultural, environmental and political issues that are close to their hearts.

Are You Experienced?

It’s all about keeping consumers engaged. Products need to deliver a deeper connection and experience for adventurous consumers looking for escapism.

We’re sure you’ve seen Coca-Cola’s “Pixel” flavoured drinks and Cadbury’s “Mystery Flavour” bars. Experience is all the rage. 57% of consumers find the idea of retro and nostalgic food and drink appealing.

Let’s Get Digital

As digital slowly takes over our everyday lives, food and drink is changing as we know it. From how we consume, to what we buy – it’s clear digital is all-consuming.

The power of social media is clear with the way products look has never been as important. Food and drink is increasingly purchased due to how attractive it is, let’s face it, no one will share a boring product.

Taking it a step further, 74% of consumers feel the Metaverse “is the future”. McDonald’s is already investing in AI for virtual restaurants. We’ll be honest, the Metaverse doesn’t sound very tasty to us.

Get in touch to find out more about our trends.

6 Braver Flavour Trends for 2023

Flavour trends to help you stand out from the crowd in 2023.

It’s the start of the New Year and you’ve just sat down at your desk, dusted off your notepad and started to think about the year ahead. A daunting year, for many reasons – but have no fear, we are here to help on the flavour side of things.

New product development for food and drink heading into 2023 can be confusing. It is a balance of focusing on what already works, whilst also focusing on how to grab consumers’ attention in such a crowded market.

Our advice is to avoid being boring at all costs. Find ways to stand out from the crowd and create something that is really going to excite people. Blending in could be your biggest mistake in 2023.

We’ve highlighted six key braver flavour trends that will help inspire your food and drink development in 2023.

1) Flavours for Life

This is all about your big sellers, your core flavours, the ones that really pay the bills. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry – you know the drill. Ok, this one isn’t all that brave. But, even we know when to be sensible – sometimes.

Before you venture off getting all excited about a crazy new idea, make sure you have a strong core range that can really compete with flavour. Remember, taste is everything. If you want those big repeat sales and volumes, you’re going to need a core range that delivers.

Top flavour tip: Try exciting flavour twists and positioning claims with your core flavours to help them stand out from the crowd. Core flavours don’t have to be boring. 

2) Classy Cocktails

Cocktails have quite frankly never been bigger. Not only are these flavours being driven by the growing RTD alcohol market, but also the huge rise in low and no products that use cocktail flavours.

Not to mention the category blurring we’ve been seeing, with cocktail flavours being used in bakery and dairy products. It’s an exciting time for cocktail flavours, with new flavours peaking in popularity all the time.

Top flavour tip: The standout flavours we are seeing in cocktails at the moment are Espresso Martini, Negroni and Passionfruit Martini. Make sure you are always on the edge with new cocktail flavours. 

3) Total Tropical

It’s time to get fruity. Some of the most interesting flavours coming through at the moment sit under the tasty category of tropical. This doesn’t just mean your standard fruit punch, or a little bit of pineapple – we’re talking the tropical flavours that really stand out from the crowd.

We’ve been sourcing some of the most obscure (and tasty) tropical fruits the world has to offer to help us develop some impactful and head-turning tropical tastes. It’s also about what you can do with tropical flavours to help them stand out and give them that extra premium and indulgent twist.

Top flavour tip: Try discovering new tropical fruits like Calamansi, or pairing popular tropical flavours with interesting flavour profiles like Passionfruit and Thyme.

4) Innovate Indulgence

Nothing reduces the stress levels and puts a smile on your face like a big slice of cake. Indulgence is very much in this year. There is always a time and a place to push the boat out and have something a little naughty. As basket spend is reduced and purchases will be highly scrutinised, when consumers do splash the cash, they are going to want it to be a treat.

Go wild with indulgent flavours that will really give consumers that warm fuzzy feeling. Chocolate, caramel, toffee, cream – we know, you’re salivating already. Go have fun with this one.

Top flavour tip: Try and push the boundaries – ever tried Miso Caramel? Or something a bit safer that is currently everywhere – Blonde Chocolate.

5) Twisting Traditions

The retro and nostalgia trend has been running strong for the last couple of years now. Brands are increasingly taking customers on a trip down memory lane to take them back to popular flavours of the past. It’s now time to take things a step further and give these much-loved traditional and retro flavours a modern twist.

This is such a great trend as you’ll be using a flavour people already know and love, whilst twisting it up with something new and exciting. A sure thing for success and to get some much-needed shelf space in the supermarket.

Top flavour tip: This trend gets even more exciting when you twist a tradition from a different category. Take a traditional flavour from the bakery category and blend it with a beverage product.

6) A Braver Flavour

The year of 2023 will no doubt see a slowdown in spending, with consumers both cutting back and changing what they eat and drink. The important thing to remember is that food and drink, especially from supermarkets, offers an affordable luxury for people. These aren’t big ticket items like holidays, cars and new tech – this is quick impulse purchases that can help raise the mood.

If people are going to spend more on a luxury food or drink item, they will want to make sure it’s money well spent with an exciting product. Make sure you are pushing boundaries and ensure your new product development is both brave and exciting.

Top flavour tip: If you’re a little worried about going all out with a braver flavour, pair something a bit more out there with something that people already know and love. The familiar flavour will gain their trust, and the braver flavour will tempt their adventurous nature.

Want to know more, or taste some of the braver flavour trends? Get in touch and we’ll sort you out with some flavour samples.

I.T.S. Shortlisted for Ingredients Manufacturing Company of the Year

I.T.S. are going to the Food Manufacture Excellence Awards 2023.

Here we go! After 13 years of being the underdog and one of the few independent flavour suppliers, our rapid growth and successes have been recognised.

Our unique approach to natural flavourings (we call it, A Braver Flavour) have now been highlighted by Food Manufacture and shortlisted for Ingredients Manufacturing Company of the Year in the Food Manufacture Excellence Awards 2023.

In an industry full of huge corporate giants, it’s important we stuck to our guns and core values. I.T.S. have remained proudly independent whilst supplying to some of the largest food and drink manufactures and exciting start-up brands.

We couldn’t help for a little celebration and we are now excited to see what the awards bring next year – fingers crossed.

Mike Bagshaw, Owner of I.T.S. states: “When I started I.T.S. from my kitchen table back in 2009, one of my key aims was to inject some more fun into the flavour industry.

We didn’t look at the other successful flavour houses and say “we want to be like them”, we wanted to be ourselves and offer something different. I’m so proud of everything we’ve achieved, and hopefully we can bring home the award in February.”